Tag Archives: gratitude

If Words Were a Hug

I would be lying if I said that this is how I expected my life to be. I’m grateful, but truthfully, most days I’m frustrated with myself. I can be so hard on myself, as if I could see the future when I was making decisions. I’m further along than many, but I’m far behind where I want to be. I’m in an endless cycle of burnout and exhaustion on this “journey” to figure out what actually matters to me. Healing isn’t always pretty. It’s not just hot baths, flights and flowers; some nights, it’s crying in the mirror and saying all the things that you want to hear from someone else, until you feel safe and loved. This is the result of one of those nights.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.”
I’m sitting in front of the mirror. The room is illuminated by the dancing flicker of the flame from my chakra candles.
Green for my heart. Orange for my Sacral.
Nobody exists but me.
Nobody is coming to “save me”.
Tears fall, but I keep talking because I need to hear it to feel it.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I forgive you.
I forgive you for the times you didn’t listen to your intuition.
I forgive you for putting the pleasure, joy, and well being of others ahead of your own.
I believe in you.
Today. Tomorrow. Every day.
Clear the noise and know that I am proud of you.”

As a smile spreads freely across my face and the salt of my tears touches my taste buds, I am reminded that all is well.

Let this be a reminder to you:
All is well. Though you may not feel it now, you are whole. You are loved. You are valued. Every day.

One Year

One year on this journey.

Yoga poses. Crystals. Meditation.

Blank pages. Filled Pages.

The words bleed across a wet napkin.

My perspective is shifting.

Many burdens lifting.

New people, new challenges, new interests.

One year on this journey.

Where exactly does this journey lead?

Right back to me.

Unsure, ever changing me.

Vulnerability. Transparency. Honesty.

One year on this journey and I’m more open.

I slacked. I procrastinated. I got scared.

I stopped sharing. Started. Stopped.

Now I’ve started back up again.

One year on this journey to infinity.

Thanks for tripping with me